Thursday, May 19, 2011


Throughout my life I have often thought about the inconsistencies I see; how common sense, seems to be a blade of grass, thirsting for water, brown in the mid-day August sun.  This is how I see the Jerome Ersland trial, as a bunch of inconsistencies. 

I read this morning that Antwan Parker's mother is suing Jerome Ersland for the wrongful death of her son.  I understand the love for ones children; I have three children and two grandchildren myself, but I have to ask; Where was Ms. Parker while her son was robbing at gun point Ersland's pharmacy?  And besides, just how much is she expecting to get if Ersland is in prison? 

Then there's the Ersland trial itself.  A creature of media and money (taxpayer money that is).  The DA says that Ersland went too far.  That while defending himself, his employees and his pharamacy, he shouldn't have shot Antwan Parker those extra times.  Well, I could understand this reasoning if the DA was also prosecuting the police officers involved in the Demetrius Johnson death, with first degree murder.  You see, if Ersland went too far, then obviously the police did too with Demetrius Johnson; and if one is being prosecuted for first degree murder, then all should be.  Since the DA obviously believes the police didn't go too far with Demetrius Johnson, then Ersland should not be tried for first degree murder.  This whole situation makes no sense otherwise.  And since it's taxpayer money, I would feel much better if wasn't being spent only on Ersland, because if we're going to spend it, then keep it consistent, or don't spend it at all.